Patricia Burrell
North Bend Elementary/Middle School
It seems Patricia Burrell was destined to become a principal. The daughter of a City Schools’ principal, when you enter her office, you can’t help but notice the picture of a young Principal Burrell sitting comfortably at her mother’s desk. Her love for the work translates to her students, as North Bend Elementary Middle School feels like a fun excursion for students with all of their friends. Thanks to Principal Patricia Burrell’s emphasis on learning environment, students find curiosity and inspiration in brightly colored hallways filled with beautiful murals, cozy book nooks for reading and positive, talented educators. Frequent curriculum-aligned field trips bring learning to life and expand classroom engagement as a result. In addition, Principal Burrell is committed to developing teachers and school leaders, and the results are apparent. Students are performing while having fun with teachers who stay and grow in their roles.
Francesca Gamber
Bard High School Early College
Take one visit to Bard High School and Principal Francesca Gamber’s commitment to her students and to elevating their voices becomes clear. Bard’s atmosphere of acceptance and student autonomy starts with Principal Gamber’s encouragement of self-expression and her passion for letting students have a say in how their education takes shape – from selecting courses to weighing in on teacher hires – and her students clearly appreciate her trust in them. As one of nine Bard High Schools in the country offering students the opportunity to obtain an Associate’s Degree while in high school, Baltimore’s Bard High School Early College is currently the only one without academic entrance criteria. This expands student access to college level education, which is a philosophy Principal Gamber wholeheartedly embraces.
Charles Kramer
Patterson Park Public Charter School
Under the leadership of Principal Kramer, Patterson Park Public Charter School is a learning organization that seeks and shares what works for students. This approach sets the foundation for long term student and educator growth. He, his team, and the school community celebrate diversity and educate children, including his own three daughters, as unique individuals. Principal Kramer’s understanding of student needs, beyond coursework, supports their personal development while helping them to thrive academically. Principal Kramer has created a school culture and climate that empowers educators as leaders; four Baltimore City Public School principals began their management careers at Patterson Park and five of his current staff members are pursuing school leadership roles.
Zulema Sockwell Moore
William S. Baer School
Principal Zulema Sockwell Moore began her career 21 years ago as a teacher at William S. Baer School and has been there ever since. Her devotion to this school, its students and families serves as an inspiration to all of her 115 staff members – including teachers, paraeducators, therapists, private duty nurses and 1-1 aides. As a school for students with special needs, Principal Sockwell Moore places significant emphasis on empowering children to express themselves and exercise their capacity to make choices. She has implemented a total communication model at Baer. This gives each child the ability to communicate and make choices at their individual level. Many of her students enter the school as early as age 3 and continue until the age of 21, which allows Principal Sockwell Moore the unique opportunity to work with parents to ensure they are the best possible advocates for their children. Principal Sockwell Moore truly views her school, its students, parents and communities as family, and it shows.
Danielle Tillman-Cromartie
Harford Heights Elementary School
Principal Danielle Tillman-Cromartie understands the importance of commitment, trust and engagement – three values she has instilled at Harford Heights Elementary since taking over the school two years ago. Her approach has helped this “turnaround school” – at one point one of the lowest performing in Maryland – shift its school culture and make consistent gains in student scores. She has worked to build trust within the community after years of high educator turnover while emphasizing the importance of parents’ engagement with their child’s education. And students find themselves staying longer and doing more at Harford Heights – with new after school dance clubs, mentorships, tutoring opportunities and even a new robotics class – more than half of the students are involved in an extracurricular activity, where two years ago these opportunities were nearly nonexistent.
Corey Basmajian
Francis Scott Key Elementary/Middle School
Principal Corey Basmajian’s unique ability to communicate with families, students and staff has resulted quickly in significant enrollment increases, academic growth and teacher recruitment and retention at Francis Scott Key Elementary Middle School. Students are challenged and teachers are given the opportunity to lead. Principal Basmajian created the district’s only advanced courses in kindergarten and first grade, with plans to expand those offerings to second and third grade next school year. In Principal Basmajian’s six years as a principal (four at Windsor Hills Elementary/Middle School and two at Francis Scott Key), he has never lost a teacher that he hoped to retain to another Baltimore City Public School.
Mark Gaither
Wolfe Street Academy
During Mark Gaither’s 14 years as principal, Wolfe Street Academy has risen from being ranked 77th to near the top of city schools on state assessment performance, consistently outperforming schools with similar demographics. As a community school and neighborhood hub, Wolfe Street provides the support that students need to be ready to learn, from medical check-ups, mental health services and dental exams to clothing and supplies. Principal Gaither is a nationally recognized leader in the community school movement; Wolfe Street has been named one of the five best community schools in the country. Students feel safe and supported, and parents are given the resources they need to advocate for and empower their children. Wolfe Street serves one of the highest percentages of immigrant families in Baltimore, and supporting his students’ families with their unique needs is a hallmark of Principal Gaither’s leadership and part of what makes Wolfe Street such a special place.
Diya Hafiz-Slayton
Brehms Lane Public Charter School
The magical, welcoming and celebratory environment found at Brehms Lane Public Charter School begins with Principal Diya Slayton’s passionate and energetic leadership. She emphasizes positive reinforcement to her staff and students, and uses unique motivational techniques to get results – including a Harry Potter-esque “house” system that helps build a sense of community in the school between students and staff. Students earn house points by following the school's 10 expectations (demonstrating academic and behavioral successes). During her three years of leadership, Principal Slayton has transformed Brehms Lane into a school where students are excited to learn, families are engaging with educators, and classrooms are filled with fun and hands-on learning.
Cathy Miles
Abbottston Elementary School
Students coming to Abbottston Elementary School feel loved, thanks to Principal Cathy Miles’ commitment to supporting them with the positivity, focus and resources they need to succeed. At the beginning of the school year, Principal Miles organized a school supply giveaway and BBQ to welcome all students, including those from a recently closed school who were hesitant to change schools. Her implementation of arts integration at Abbottston gives students opportunities to infuse hands-on creativity into the content they study, enhancing learning in the process. The participation doesn’t stop with students – Principal Miles inspires teachers to expand their responsibilities and lead committees that explore school improvements like attendance, family engagement and special programs.
Jael Samuel
Tench Tilghman Elementary/Middle School
Principal Jael Samuel emphasizes teacher development, and the results over her 10 years at Tench Tilghman reveal a talented group of educators engaging an interested, committed group of students. The school boasts an attendance rate of 96%, one of the best in the district, and students are achieving continual gains in academic performance. Teachers are given time to collaborate, focus on areas of growth and connect with experts to enhance that development. Principal Samuel drove the construction of a new playground at the school, making sure it remains open to everyone in the neighborhood. With this kind of commitment to students, teachers and the neighborhood, Principal Samuel is solidifying Tench Tilghman’s important place as a hub for the community.
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